Did you know that people with vision loss have humor too? | Donate to Envision

Did you know that people with vision loss have humor too?

Challenging Misconceptions with Humor

Frequently, sighted individuals may feel uncertain about interacting with someone who is blind or visually impaired, hesitant to use certain phrases like 'see you later!' or cautious about mentioning the word 'blind' out of fear of causing offense. However, it's important to recognize that individuals who are blind or visually impaired are just as human as anyone else. These concerns often stem from societal stigmas surrounding blindness. It's essential to remember that humor can be a powerful tool in breaking down barriers and fostering genuine connections.

"I appreciate you all trying to find non-traditional ways to make people feel comfortable about vision loss and talking about it."

- Envision employee who is blind or visually impaired

When you donate to Envision, you are giving people who have vision loss opportunities to forge connections, find community, gain support and learn tools to maintain independence. We are the second largest employer of people who are blind or visually impaired in the nation, and we have a variety of programs and services for all ages and levels of vision loss. 

All jokes aside, we're serious about our mission.

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