Envision P.R.I.D.E. Celebrates New Remodel with Open House Gathering | Envision News

Envision P.R.I.D.E. Celebrates New Remodel with Open House Gathering

By Beth Walker • Sep 25, 2023

Blog Content

PRIDE, (People Reaching for Independence and Development of Excellence) is Envision’s Adult Day Support and Employment Program serving adults who are legally blind and have an intellectual developmental disability (IDD). Construction of the space where PRIDE is located started back in April of 2023 with the goal of modernizing the facility and providing expansion for more consumers to be able to participate in the program. To celebrate the newly finished remodel, an open house was held in September and Laura Howard, Secretary of the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS), gave opening remarks. 

Many people were in attendance along with Secretary Howard, including several members from the KDADS team, other Envision employees, Envision program participants and caregivers and families of consumers. Secretary Howard has spent more than 15 years of her career working in human services at the state and federal level and is passionate about the mission of PRIDE and what Envision offers to its consumers in the program.  

“It was such an honor to have Secretary Howard and several members of the KDADS team join us for the PRIDE open house,” said Stacy Fuller, Executive Director of Rehabilitation and Support Programs. “We feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to modernize and improve our space to continue serving our clients at the upmost level of care and having Secretary Howard speak to the crowd as part of the gathering was great. This remodel has truly been a teamwork project and now we have a lovely space to continue supporting the needs of individuals with an intellectual developmental disability in Sedgwick County.” 

Consumers can now enjoy a modernized, accessible training kitchen, a laundry area, a new sensory room, an art workstation area, new media spaces and more that provide a variety of daily learning opportunities of their choosing. Forty-five consumers can now participate in this unique Adult Day Support Program; currently, the program has 36 consumers. We are proud to be able to better support our consumers in their vocational, social, leisure and independence-seeking goals with this remodel.

To learn more about PRIDE, visit this link. 
A group picture of Envision leaders and Secretary Howard standing in front of a sign that says "Welcome, Secretary Howard"
Secretary Howard speaking to a group inside the PRIDE lobby.
Secretary Howard speaking to Buddy Sell, Senior VP of Operations for Envision.