Envision Virtual Fall Conference Reaches Global Participation
By Holly Herring • Oct 31, 2022

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Optometrists, occupational therapists, low vision therapists, vision research scientists, O&M and other allied professionals serving people who are blind or visually impaired attended the conference. They enjoyed 34 speakers presenting in 27 clinical education and research sessions.
The most popular sessions and topics included:
- Assistive Technology and Head Mounted Video Display
- Neurorehabilitation and Brain Injury: A Systemic & Ocular View
- Gene/Stem Cell Therapy
- Current Research with Implications for Low Vision Clinical Practice
- Posterior Cortical Atrophy: Treatment for the Patient and Family Members
- Effects of Light on Circadian Rhythms
- Opportunities and Challenges for OTs Working in Vision Rehabilitation
- Lived Experience: Leading New Research Agendas in Vision Science & Vision Rehabilitation Science
- A Review of Inheritance Patterns and Pedigrees for Hereditary Eye Conditions
- Marijuana: Your Retina and Brain
- Redefining O&M, Daily Living Skills, and AT Community-based Training
- Research on New and Novel Practices for Low Vision
“I loved all the content. It was very relevant, and I made some great connections with other OTs in my area of work!”
“I found every session to be informative, relevant and current. I had a positive takeaway from every session I attended - does not happen often. Thank you for the opportunity.”
Envision University is now preparing for the Low Vision Grand Rounds on November 10 at Envision Headquarters which also includes an open house for the Bicknell Envision Vision Rehabilitation Center in Wichita.
Visit https://university.envisionus.com for more information.