Envision Dallas Gives Presentation on Disability Awareness and Inclusion

Envision Dallas Gives Presentation on Disability Awareness and Inclusion

By Beth Walker • Sep 26, 2023
A group picture of bank of america and Envision employees standing together smiling.

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Envision Dallas employees recently gave a presentation and workshop about blindness and low vision with executives from Bank of America. Our employees were able to walk Bank of America executives through a sighted guide technique process, showed simulations of different visual impairments, and discussed how their team can be inclusive to people with disabilities in the workplace, specifically people who are blind or visually impaired. Bank of America currently partners with Envision Dallas on monthly Better Money Habits workshops, where Bank of America employees teach financial independence skills to our program participants.  

“The lines between pity and awareness can often get blurred. Clearing up myths surrounding people with disabilities takes unyielding effort, And Jennifer Svelan and her team from Envision do it effortlessly with dignity,” said Tracy Jordan, VP and Senior Engineer at Bank of America. “Thank you, Envision, for putting many myths to bed and celebrating the human condition.” 

“It was great to be able to collaborate with Tracy Jordan, VP and Senior Engineer at Bank of America, and discuss with their senior level executive team the simple techniques to make the work environment accessible to everyone,” said Jennifer Svelan, Envision Dallas Manager of Rehabilitation and Support Programs. “The Bank of America team was so engaging, receptive to learning and full of questions. I look forward to collaborating with Bank of America more in the future as they continue to lead at the forefront of inclusivity within the banking industry.” 

To learn more about Envision Dallas, click here for more information.

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Orientation and mobility specialist guiding a sighted person who is wearing a blindfold.
Two Envision employees sight guiding two sighted individuals who are wearing blindfolds and using white canes.
Two sighted individuals sitting at a table trying on different goggles that simulate visual impairments.