Through Their Eyes | Donations are Doubled Until March 31 | Envision

Help us reach our goal to change thousands of lives in our clinics this year!

Donations will be matched until March 31st! 

$1 for $1 match! Donate today and your donation will be doubled! 

Donations will be matched until March 31st.

Meet Kathy 

When Kathy was diagnosed with Diabetic Retinopathy and began to lose most of her vision, she didn't have the tools and resources needed to maintain independence. 

Your donation will directly fund services like mobility therapy and assistive technology training that Kathy received to help her thrive. 

Kathy smiling with magnifier glasses on.Kathy smiling as she uses adaptive eye glasses.

"Being able to be in a supportive space is something I don’t take for granted. Envision has allowed me to gain my purpose back and to feel happy and joyful about life again."

-Kathy Lutz

Kathy, and others with diabetic retinopathy, may have blurred vision and see dark spots that move around. Click on the video below to learn more. 

The gift of opportunity starts with you.

With your gift, adults and seniors can:

  • Maintain their independence while discovering new ways to continue doing the things they love, boosting quality of life. 
  • Get access to personalized visual aids that aren't covered by insurance, like magnifiers and specialized glasses, to maximize remaining vision.
  • Receive strategies to identify and mitigate hazards, enhancing personal safety at home and in public spaces.
  • And much, much more.
Man trying on optical glasses with magnification